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Saturday, November 16, 2024


It is with tears in my eyes that I am writing this. The book is 97% complete and is almost ready to be published.

These last few months have been some of the most difficult and stressful. I honestly understand why "professional" authors hire Literary Agents and Traditional Publishing companies. The amount of red tape and hoops that an independent author has to jump through is enough to make you go absolutely insane!

Also no one ever really talks about the out-of-pocket costs of writing a book. You have to take care of every little thing yourself. Thankfully I already had some experience with doing gig jobs and have a background in marketing, and doing product reviews and things like that, so I wasn't completely blindsided when it came to who to turn to in order to get some things done. Other things, like ISBN numbers and other book related things have all been new learning experiences and will help me in the future should I go through with publishing other books. But I really do believe that IF there is a next time that I will seek out more traditional methods of publishing.

The issues that I am facing right now with the book is getting the eBook fixed so that it will render properly across all the eBook devices and that it will render on mobile phones. But I have sent the information of to my editor and should have it taken care of soon (fingers crossed.)