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Saturday, January 25, 2025
So the book has officially been published and I've sold 18 copies so far which isn't the best but isn't the worst either. 
I talked with a friend of mine and she's going to reedit the book for me in the next few months. She's currently working on her doctorate, and was one of the first people to review my book. So I trust her implicitly. 

Of the 23 copies I ordered I gave 5 away as thank you gifts. 1 to my mom, 1 to my biological mom, 1 to my PR Team, 1 to my aunt, and one to the family of a dear friend who passed away. I had hoped to surprise him with a copy and especially the section that I dedicated to him. But well he passed before Amazon KDP got off their asses and sent them out. 

I'm really excited to see how version 2 will be. The original editor really screwed me over with not getting the book formatted and edited and kept giving me the wrong files etc. but I'm happy with how it is. It's an extension of me, my healing journey, and a legacy of sorts.

I have a bunch of stuff in the works with the PR Team. If we pull it off it'll be amazing!