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Sunday, March 17, 2024

I honestly don't know how authors especially first-time authors can afford to get their work published. Even going the route of self-publishing is expensive. I was crunching numbers and shocked by what my out of pocket was going to be. Not including trying to regain or even make a profit. I can understand why so many people go through traditional methods of publishing, which even then can be in the tens of thousands of dollars. 

This will not discourage me, but what it has done is open my eyes to a whole industry that I never thought that much about. I honestly just thought it was a one and done type thing, not realizing all the things that actually go into it. So, in that regard I'm thankful, because I always love learning new things. And it also has provided me with a drive to prove to myself that I can get it done.

I will say this, the $20 laptop that I picked up at a thrift store, really has gotten its workout. As I am typing this, I'm using it. It has become my main office computer, and will probably continue to be just for work, like my other laptop was meant to be, but ended up being a catch all for everything I did. I don't know what the difference is between the two of them except that I think the thrift store one, though older, is just more of a workhorse than my newer one.