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Monday, March 11, 2024

Hurry up and wait. It seems like that is the theme of the last few weeks. I knew that getting the manuscript wrote was going to be one of the biggest hurdles to get over, but I never anticipated the waiting game. Not having things within my control and having to wait on others to get them done is a new experience for me, especially when it comes to one of my projects.

Sitting here at my keyboard pounding out this blog post is keeping my fingers busy because the tapping, the rain tinkling on my roof, the glugging of the clogged downspouts, the constant stream of cars with their wet tires driving up and down the street, and the hum of the computer fan, is all producing the most amazing dopamine right now. 

I have other things that I could be doing, other unfinished works that I could be fleshing out while I am sitting here on this cold Pacific Northwest midwinter day. But instead, I'm keeping myself busy with the uncontrollable deluge of what-ifs. I'm in contact with Denning Software and Digital Marketing Services Group about the possibility of a new website, and the flow of email's between us, has given me some pause in my day. I love the website that I currently have for Carpe Diem Scroto, but I also feel like it is somewhat lacking. Though again this is probably just my idle time and wanting to keep creating.