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One thing that most people do not take into consideration is that marketing is a cutthroat game. You have to have a wide variety of platform...
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One thing that most people do not take into consideration is that marketing is a cutthroat game. You have to have a wide variety of platforms, network connections and social media followers to even begin to make a difference in getting your content or product in front of the consumer, regardless if that is digital/physical goods, or just your media in general.
Now add to that, the financial tolls that it takes on the ol' pocketbook and you have a very slim chance when it comes to competing with the big dogs. Working with a term that I've coined "a broken shoestring budget" it makes it even more of a challenge.
However, being a Generation Y aka a Millennial or in my case a the newly formed "Xennial" demographic (Xennial's are the micro-generation of people on the cusp of the Generation X and Millennial demographic cohorts which spans 15 years from 1981 to 1996) I have a pretty good understanding of marketing with slightly outdated, yet mildly effective styles, that stand out as they are not typically seen in today's markets.
I have been pandering myself to various content creators (something typically handled by PR Firms and Marketing Groups) in hopes of utilizing their platforms and subscribers to boost the awareness of my upcoming book, and to also shine a light on my other works as well. All of these methods I am employing in hopes of not only raising funds for my book, but to also advocate mental health awareness and making it more acceptable for men to open up and talk about their own struggles and stop the generational curse and antiquated idea that men are supposed to just grin and bear it, "because that's what men do." I also strive to deweaponize the idea that men having feelings, needing mental help, or just needing reassurance is somehow a form of weakness and an attack on their manhood, or that they are "snowflakes" that need a "safe space" when in reality, all people just need that assurance that they are doing the best they can with what they have available to them.
This is the soul of my book Carpe Diem Scroto 365 Daily Affirmations. I used these very same affirmations and antidotes to help me with my own mental health struggles. Dealing with depression, suicidal ideation, and bipolar episodes, I understand that some days all you can give to the world is you brushing your hair and making sure to eat at least one meal and drink some water. These seem like very basic tasks, but in reality, when your brain is telling you that everything around you is falling apart because of your actions or inability to do XYZ, and that you would be better off dead, because you would be less of a bother to those around you, these are VERY BIG accomplishments.
This is where gender inequality really shines brightest. As it is ok for women to have "break downs" because they are the "fairer sex", and that it is a "lack of strength and manhood", for a man to exhibit such behaviors.
Whatever the outcome of my efforts, I feel a passionate drive that I have not had in years to get out in front of as many people as possible and share my experiences, my tales of healing and overcoming obstacles with the world and sharing my words of hope and inspiration, with everyone who just stays silent about the crosses they bear.
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