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Thursday, May 16, 2024
This time of year I love having a glass of wine, and watching the sunset. Today has been a very long but good day. I was able to get somethings checked off my ever growing list of things, and I just needed to stop and take a minute and put my gratitude out into the universe. 
I'm by no means a wine sommelier, or other type professional. But it is a little passion project that I have. And find it to be a wonderful way to end the day. To just unplug from the computer, turn of the phone, and just sit outside and take it all in. It's a form of self care for me. 
Monday, May 13, 2024

 Well today I heard back from a publisher that I really wanted and hoped to work with and they did the canned response "sorry but we are not accepting your type of book at this time" which really kind of gut punched me. I really loved everything about this publisher, but as I have learned with other life lessons, the rocks on the path of life, teach us to keep a eye on the prize, and an eye on the path. So with that in mind, I am still perusing the self-publishing route, just going to keep an eye out for other publishers that may wish to pick me up.

In the mean time, I have taken to Reddit again to pick the collective brain of the Self-Publishing folks over there and see what they have to say.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Well now that the Tea Party has come and gone, I am happy to announce that I was able to raise $257.00 of the $300 goal that was set for the days event.

I am so very happy and beyond thankful for everyone who came out to show support and meet me, regardless the cold and at times breezy weather. But with those who were in attendance, I was able to share my story, and connect with them, and even have a few laughs along the way. Now on to plan the next event. On the calendar coming up next is my interview with Successful Toy Podcast on May 28, 2024 at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern 

If you would like to donate to helping me with publication funding please check out