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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Do you believe in or follow the Zodiac? I am one of those people who kinda do. And if one follows them, then I am a Pieces on the cusp of Aries, which means that I am both emotionally connected, and easily angered.

The reason I bring this up, is because currently we are in what is called a Mercury Retrograde. This happens several times a year where it appears that Mercury is spinning backwards. Some believe that this is a time of upset and that can cause a number of issues both good and bad to occur. Well, with the way that things have gone the last few weeks, I would be a missed if I didnt say that I have to lend some credibility to the whole superstition that goes along with it.

August seems to be the retrograde that deals with communications, business, and personal relationships. There tends to be a break down in the aforementioned. And if you think about it, most relationships tend to get really rocky around the end of summer going into fall. Well for me, things have just been kind of middle of the road. 

I have had a lot of good things happen, and a lot of things that leave me scratching my head wondering what the heck just happened. In the form of communication, there were some important e-mails that I was waiting on, and despite me adding the sender to the safe contact list, Outlook still sent the emails to the junk folder. And it was by chance that I happened to check the folder and found all of the e-mails that I had been waiting on, which to my chagrin was a to little to late situation. 

I was supposed to attend a very large community gathering to showcase the book, and well, because of "not getting the emails" I thought that I had been declined in my request. Which both is upsetting and a blessing as my promotional materials that I needed and had ordered back in July just got sent out this last Wednesday and wont be here until well after the event. So, I am unsure why I had to miss out. But I've got to trust the process, right? I wonder if The Process knows we trust it? 

But with time ticking down quickly, I am worried that pulling everything together is going to be almost impossible. I'm not trying to be negative, it's just that I'm worried. But at the same time I have this inner peace and calm about how things are going to turn out.

This is what is going on so far :)