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Saturday, August 3, 2024

 So, it looks like I may not be doing a pre-sale after looking at videos on YouTube about how to set that up on Barns and Noble and Amazon. According to everything that I watched, it looks like that doing so unless I was an established author or had a huge following, that it could actually cause me to have to "swim upstream" as it were when it came to getting ranked and getting in front of new customers with Amazon. 

So, since I don't want to compete with myself, I'm going to have to sit back and take a deeper dive into this and see if that is the case that other self-published authors have faced. Needless to say, I'll be heading on over to Reddit to see what they have to say on the matter at hand.

This doesn't change the deadlines that I have set for myself, the illustrator, editor, or the others involved. Just a reshifting (if needed) of focus.