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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Well today is August 1st which means there is exactly 75 days until I need to have everything ready to go for the book. I'm nervous as all get out. I feel like there is still so much to do and I am really starting to feel like it might not come together in time.

I know that is just my anxiety rearing its ugly head and making me doubt myself and the project at hand. However, if it were just ME, I know that I could have it all done. However, there are still other parties that I need to deal with. The Illustrator still only has part of the manuscript, and the editor has the other part of it, and I have none of the edited or illustrated work, and I still need to have time to make all the changes and get them submitted to the publisher. So, I know that I'm going to be typing my fingers to the bone getting it all done from September 15th to October 15th.

I also now have to make the quick decision as to what community events I'm going to be planning and attending. There's one that I can attend in August and one that I can attend in September. With everything that is going on right now, I'm thinking that the September event may be the one that I should focus on.