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Showing posts with label self help books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self help books. Show all posts
Thursday, March 7, 2024

 Well, I came across a small Indy publishing company called Spectrum Books that publishes LGBTQ authors. I'm not sure if my book nor its premise will fit with their company, but I thought that I would submit a request to see if they bite or not. I'm not sure if I will even be able to afford to work with them, but everything that I read on their site seems promising and like it would be a company that I would like to work with. If not for Carpe Diem Scroto, then for one of my short story/novels that I have been working on in tandem with CDS. 

But for now, I am still just pouring my heart and soul into this book. I also talked to a marketing company called Digital Marketing Services Group who may be revamping the website and helping with some other things. And I am really looking forward to my meeting with Live Free Productions coming up on the 19th of March, to go over crowd funding and community promotional ideas, and a few other key points.

So, all in all things are moving in the right direction, and I feel like I'm getting some traction, I am just hoping that I am able to pull this all together by the end of September so that I can have everything submitted to the publishers or uploaded to Amazon/Barnes and Noble in time for the publishing in November.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Whenever someone sits down to start writing, the amount of static in their mind is sometimes deafening. You have some many different ideas and things that you just want to get out from your brain to the paper. You begin to write feverishly in hopes of making sense the jumble of words, concepts, and ideas that are rolling around your head. 

But what no one talks about are the "quite times" when you have just gone on a caffeine fueled spree and written several pages and you sit back and catch your breath. Those golden moments where the dopamine is flooding your system, and everything feels surreal.  Then the intrusive thoughts come creeping in. The darkness of your own mind, playing tricks on you. Making you start to second guess every single syllable that you just typed for a full hour or two. Making you start to think about the what if's and the rabbit hole of self-doubt and every negative thing that has ever been said about you or your efforts trying to make some sense of your existence.

That is also why Carpe Diem Scroto is such a passion project of mine. Because I know that I am not the only person out there struggling with depression and dealing with mental health issues. But I also know how lonely it can be, because we tend to isolate to keep ourselves from "infecting" others. And well the whole stigma behind mental health. Which is one thing that I have to say that I appreciate about the Millennials is their openness about their mental health and being advocates for improvement and change. 

So while I sit here writing this and putting off any other editing work that I need to do with the book and some tweaks I need to make to the website, I'm just enjoying the quite time, and trying not to allow the intrusive thoughts to take hold and enjoy the beauty of a cold winter afternoon.

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